4 Details to Discuss When You Get a New Roof

4 Details to Discuss When You Get a New Roof

Roof replacement is a big project. While it might only take a couple of days, the replacement involves the removal of the old roof and installation of the new roof — and all its parts. In fact, your roof consists of a lot more than just shingles.

Reputable roofers will bring up any additions they believe are necessary for your project. However, you may find it helpful to research these four roof details before you meet with your contractor.

1. Ridge Vents

Proper ventilation is imperative for the life of your roof. Ventilation measures incorporated into your roof help the air in your attic pass out of your house. This removes excess heat and moisture. If your attic isn’t well ventilated, your roof may be prone to ice dams. The life of your new roof can also decrease. Even the wood in the attic can suffer damage from rot and mold.

One option for proper ventilation is the installation of a ridge vent. The contractors can raise the ridge of your roof slightly and add a screen underneath. They will then finish the ridge with shingles that match the rest of your roof. Conversely, they can install an aluminum vent with a blunt peak and flanges on either side. Ridge vents work with other roof vents to passively let air rise out of your house.

2. Roof Turbines

A roof turbine is another method for attic ventilation. The turbine consists of a mushroom-shaped installation with overlapping vanes. The contractors drill a hole into the roof all the way through to the attic. They then install protective flashing around the hole and base of the turbine. Roof turbines aren’t very tall, but they are a noticeable part of your roof.

Roof turbines need wind to function. As the wind pushes the vanes, the turbine spins and sucks hot, humid air out of the attic. The turbine is a better option for more movement of air than a ridge vent because of its own movement. However, you need wind to enjoy this function, so be sure to ask your local roofer about the efficacy of roof turbines in your area.

3. Gutter Aprons

The purpose of your gutter is to funnel the water away from your foundation and toward a safe splash zone. However, proper gutter function depends on having water cascade directly into the gutter. Unfortunately, sometimes the gutter doesn’t catch all the water. This situation usually arises when the contractors didn’t install flashing over the fascia, or roof edge, behind the gutter.

You can talk to your roof contractors about the installation of leak-proof flashing as they complete their roof replacement. However, you can also discuss the need for a gutter apron with them. This installation consists of a long strip of metal folded over to approximately 120 degrees. It fits over the edge of the roof to funnel the water directly into the gutter, which saves your siding from damage.

4. Chimney Crickets

When roofing contractors install your new roof, they should replace all the flashing. In addition to the fascia flashing, more important flashing should go where the chimney connects with the roof. Many roofers will install two layers of flashing. This protection is necessary to prevent water from dripping down through the crevice where the chimney and roof meet.

If your chimney is on the down slope of your roof, you may need a chimney cricket. As water flows down the roof, it can drag debris with it. The debris can get caught in the juncture behind the chimney. A chimney cricket is a miniature roof behind the chimney. It diverts water, and the debris it carries, to either side. If the debris is allowed to build up, your roof material can deteriorate.

When you talk to your roof contractors about your roof replacement project, ask them about the above details to ensure you get the most effective roof possible. Don’t hesitate to ask the experts at Golden Spike Roofing about any of your roof concerns.

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